[OSD600]Reviewing other student’s source code

Trang Nguyen
2 min readSep 16, 2021

One of the requirements in my lab1 is to review other student’s codes, and thanks to Slack, I got a chance to connect with Irene, who is also interested in Java.

When doing this review, Irene just started her project, so I could only review the features she was currently building (reading and creating an HTML from a text file). But I believe she’ll be able to complete the command line with beautiful HTML pages!

No code is perfect, and there will always be bugs, unnecessary comments, improper formatting. One of the problems with reading Irene’s code was her programming style; she gathered multiple responsibilities into one function (https://github.com/irenejoeunpark/ssgApplication/issues/1) without any comments (https://github.com/irenejoeunpark/ssgApplication/issues/2) which made it difficult to follow. Besides, her READMe didn’t include the features in detail (https://github.com/irenejoeunpark/ssgApplication/issues/3). After creating those issues, Irene fixed them within a couple of hours, and the codes were much nicer to read.

When Irene reviewed my codes, she realized there were some issues:

In the end, it took a couple of hours to fix these issues, thanks to Irene’s description. To me, testing and reviewing someone’s code isn’t easy as it involves multiple skills such as communication, knowledge of the programming language/ library, coding, and an open heart to learn new things.

My GitHub Repo: https://github.com/trangntt-016/static-site-generator

Irene GitHub Repo:https://github.com/irenejoeunpark/ssgApplication



Trang Nguyen

Computer Programming Student @Seneca. Writing to share solutions and encourage my sister to write.